Will you donate to Peter Mac’s world-class research and help stop cancer in its tracks?
A year ago, Danielle was like so many of us – busy juggling work, life and kids. She was struggling to squeeze in a routine dental appointment, but when she eventually did, she was diagnosed with cancer, and told it had started to spread.
Cancer research, and people like Danielle, need you to help to treat and defeat cancer. For good.
You can help people like Danielle by accelerating cancer research to discover ways to ‘switch off’ cancer’s spread, ultimately saving and changing lives.
In head and neck cancer patients like Danielle, metastasis (spread) of the cancer is the cause of more than 90% of deaths.
With survival rates like this, Danielle knew she had to say ‘yes’ to the intense radiation – to reduce her risk of the cancer returning. But not entirely stopping it.
Will you donate now to accelerate cancer research to discover ways to ‘switch off’ cancer’s spread, ultimately saving and changing the lives of people like Danielle?
Today, despite all of the surgeries, and the gruelling radiation therapy, that ‘tiny’ tumour in her tongue has left Danielle scarred and sick. And still, to this day, afraid for her life.
Her treatments – the surgery that took almost half her tongue, and the radiation that left her scarred from chin to collarbone – were a success. But Danielle still lives with a chance that her cancer could come back.
Will you donate now to accelerate cancer research at Peter Mac? To help ‘switch off’ cancer’s spread in people like Danielle, to save and change lives?
Dr Ruby Bai, a promising researcher at Peter Mac, is dedicated to finding solutions for head and neck cancers. Her ground-breaking work focuses on preventing spread – the factor responsible for 90% of deaths in head and neck cancer.
Dr Bai’s team has identified a pivotal ‘switch point’ in cancer cells – a mechanism that directs the cells to grow locally or metastasise. A discovery that has the potential to be life-changing and life-saving for people like Danielle.
Your gift will accelerate research like Dr Bai's, to help ‘switch off’ cancer's spread, stopping it in its tracks
By understanding what triggers this switch, Dr Bai aims to reprogram cells, to ultimately stop the spread of cancer and increase the effectiveness of treatments like chemotherapy.
Donate now to help accelerate cancer research like Dr Bai’s, to save and change the lives of people like Danielle. To help stop cancer in its tracks.